Traditional Beliefs Impacting on Biodiversity conservation |
In the day-to-day socio-cultural lives of the traditional African, beliefs have and still play an important role. These beliefs have by and large shaped his attitude towards the natural environment around him. In many African societies, there are many beliefs associated with different natural phenomena, features and behaviours. For example, mountains, deep caves, valleys, waterfalls, very big trees etc are believed to be gods themselves or the abodes of certain gods and spirits. As a result of this belief these resources are protected and sometimes the forest or the location in which the resource is situated is protected and entry is forbidden except for special purposes. Rivers and their biological entities are protected by forbidding people from cutting trees along their banks for the reason that the rivers must not be allowed to go naked by stripping them of their clothes. The following are some other beliefs that are prevalent in the African society: · The earth (asaase Yaa) is a mother born on Thursday.
Summary|Introduction | Practices | Main Page | Symbolism| Beliefs | Cosmic View | |